
What Is Your Favorite Genre Of Anime

Derisive Child has been watching anime and reading manga for as long equally he can remember. Doing so takes him to different worlds.

Anime genre list.

Anime genre listing.

So Many Anime Genres!

If you've been an enthusiastic watcher of anime only like me, then one matter y'all've come to know is that each and every show comes with a set of specific genres. There'southward a multitude out in that location when information technology comes to anime—action, drama, and horror just to name a few. But exercise y'all even know all of them? Exercise you think you can recite all of them in one fell swoop?

I know at that place are many anime genres in beingness because they come and go every now and then. But the almost popular ones go common enough to stay for a very long time. And so, I've come up with this anime genre list to serve as a complete guide with explanations and meanings for all of them.

I've tried my all-time to make this a complete list of anime genres so that information technology can serve as your very own one-finish compendium for when you lot're looking for a genre guide. I've provided a basic list of genres for easy viewing. Below that will be the genres with more descriptive details every bit well as anime that fit in that category. Whether you're a diehard anime fan, a coincidental watcher, an interested onlooker, or even just a non-fan who is passing by, this list of anime genres shall equip you lot with some basic knowledge and assistance you venture through the anime world with ease and please.

List of Major Anime Genres

  • Action
  • Take chances
  • Comedy
  • Drama
  • Piece of Life
  • Fantasy
  • Magic
  • Supernatural
  • Horror
  • Mystery
  • Psychological
  • Romance
  • Sci-Fi

List of Anime Subgenres

  • Cyberpunk
  • Game
  • Ecchi
  • Demons
  • Harem
  • Josei
  • Martial Arts
  • Kids
  • Historical
  • Hentai
  • Isekai
  • Military
  • Mecha
  • Music
  • Parody
  • Police
  • Postal service-Apocalyptic
  • Reverse Harem
  • School
  • Seinen
  • Shoujo
  • Shoujo-ai
  • Shounen
  • Shounen-ai
  • Space
  • Sports
  • Super Ability
  • Tragedy
  • Vampire
  • Yuri
  • Yaoi

Major Anime Genres

The following genres are the broad categories that anime tin fit in. These are the typical genres that are used to categorize other mediums such every bit films or books. As these are the bones types of narratives, anime in these categories are a constant presence in the industry. Some anime tin be a hybrid of unlike types of narratives but they can commonly be easily labeled with i or two of the post-obit categories.

What Is Your Favorite Anime to Watch?


The action genre in anime depicts extremely high levels of intense action. By and large, you'll be witnessing thrilling battles and action-packed fight scenes in the shows from this genre. These serial will brand y'all jump off your seat or knock your socks off. Overall, the activity genre usually possesses lots of battle scenes, fluid animation, and highly-engaging elements that will make your adrenaline rush!

Some examples of activity anime include:

  • Kill la Impale
  • Gurren Lagann
  • Fullmetal Alchemist
  • Trigun
  • Darker than Black

For a more detailed listing of the genre, check out this article on the 10 best action anime.

Sword Art Online

Sword Art Online


The hazard genre is nearly traveling and undertaking an adventure in a sure place or around the world (which may sometimes escalate to the whole universe or even to the other dimensions). In this genre, the main characters don't usually stay in one place. They venture into several different places, unremarkably with a goal in mind (e.g. searching for treasure, exploring some new place, defeating a heinous villain, or saving the world). Adventure anime are so broad and flexible that these shows tin can usually stretch to a huge number of episodes besides equally overlap with multiple genres, usually with action.

Examples of run a risk anime include:

  • One Slice
  • Fairy Tail
  • Hunter X Hunter
  • Kino's Journeying
  • Spice and Wolf
Hunter X Hunter

Hunter 10 Hunter


The primary purpose of the comedy genre is…yous got it…to make you lot laugh! If it fails to make you laugh or at least make you lot giggle, then it's a failure. But then again, humor tin can depend on your personal sense of humour. The animation may not be every bit impressive as Television receiver shows in the action and drama category, but that can exist forgiven for the laughs. Funny moments, hilarious scenes, wacky dialogue, comical happenings—all of these are covered by the comedy genre in anime!

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Examples of comedy anime include:

  • Gintama
  • The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
  • The Devil Is a Part-Timer!
  • Daily Lives of High School Boys
  • Nichijou

For a more than in-depth look at the genre, cheque out this listing of the top 10 one-act anime.




Bringing us tears and a wave of emotions is basically what the drama genre does best! Drama anime tends to connect the viewers to the experiences of the characters. This results in viewers feeling what the characters are going through. Whether it's a tickle of emotion or a barrage of feelings, the goal of these series is to touch our hearts. In anime, one of the greatest signs that the drama effectively worked is if it was able to make you cry.

Examples of drama anime includes:

  • Clannad
  • Anohana: The Blossom We Saw That Day
  • Your Lie in Apr
  • Kanon
  • Little Busters!

For a more than detailed wait at the genre, have a look at the list of the top 10 best drama anime.

Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day

Anohana: The Blossom We Saw That 24-hour interval

Slice of Life

When one says slice of life, that means the mundane good ol' life. Stories depicted in this genre are realistically set in the domain of real life. Nothing out-of-the-blue happens, just that'southward the point! Everyday life is portrayed in a realistic light, with nothing out of the extraordinary wrecking the premise.

Examples of slice of life anime includes:

  • Barakamon
  • Non Non Biyori
  • Koufuku Graffiti
  • Lucky Star
  • Wagnaria!!



The fantasy genre in anime primarily deals with fantasy worlds and surreal events and locations. Well-nigh of the time, the setting is in a magical world where the characters start an gamble. Sometimes they get sent there from the existent earth. Magic is often a component of this genre, and diverse mystical elements serve as the edifice blocks of the story. Y'all'll frequently know information technology's a fantasy anime if the environment and temper seems then dazzling and dreamlike that it'll brand you experience captivated and allured.

Examples of fantasy anime includes:

  • No Game No Life
  • Nanatsu no Taizai
  • Inuyasha
  • Escaflowne
  • Slayers
No Game No Life

No Game No Life


Magic, in all its essence, is nigh magical stuff similar spells and incantations. Information technology can also include magical sources, beings that grants wishes, and good ol' sleeve tricks. One of the most famous themes in the magic genre is magical girls. Information technology is so popular that information technology might just become a whole new genre on its ain in the futurity.

Examples of magic anime includes:

  • Puella Magi Madoka Magica
  • Magical Doremi
  • Magi: Labyrinth of Magic
  • Little Witch Academia
  • Maria the Virgin Witch
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic

Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic


When i says supernatural, they're referring to stuff or events that are odd and out-of-the-blue. For this category, supernatural might refer to something mythical, mystical, bizarre, or something outside the bounds of accustomed reality. In that location'southward a shadow of mystery ofttimes institute in shows involved with this genre.

Examples of supernatural anime includes:

  • Mushishi
  • Bluish Exorcist
  • Durarara!!
  • Bakemonogatari
  • Noragami



It's not hard to spot the horror genre in anime. Commonly, if there are ghosts, monsters, gore, and creeps, then you lot're probable watching a horror serial. Heavy gore and bloody violence is a common trait. The most important factor for a show to exist considered horror is its ability to scare and creep y'all out.

Examples of horror anime includes:

  • Junji Ito Collection
  • Parasyte -the maxim-
  • Another
  • School-Live!
  • Hell Girl

For a more detailed look at the genre, check out this list of the top x horror anime.

Corpse Party

Corpse Party


If there'south i matter that'due south similar in all mystery anime shows, it is the existence of a central enigma. Whether it's an result, a place, or an item, there'due south some sort of mystery surrounding the narrative. In the history of anime, the most popular shows in the genre take featured detectives and gumshoes.

Examples of mystery anime includes:

  • Detective Conan
  • Hyouka
  • Eden of the East
  • Tantei Opera Milky Holmes
  • Gosick
Detective Conan

Detective Conan


Psychological anime are shows that delve into how the heed and psyche work. This genre tackles everything on a psychological level (sometimes even philosophical). You'll often discover heed games here also as battles where the employ of the wits is the principal focus. Series in this genre volition play with your heed and make you think hard.

Examples of psychological anime includes:

  • Death Note
  • Mirai Nikki
  • Zetsuen no Tempest
  • Monster
  • Paranoia Agent
Future Diary

Future Diary


Romance is all nearly love and sweetness moments. Shows involved with this genre often have the skill to tug everyone's heartstrings with their romantic scenes and tender moments. The focus of these shows is the romantic relationships between the characters likewise equally their blooming beloved with one another. You'll frequently find romance anime tightly tied with the shoujo subgenre, just it also works pretty well with comedy, harem, and drama.

Examples of romance anime includes:

  • Honey and Clover
  • Golden Time
  • Toradora
  • Lovely Circuitous
  • Special A

You tin can cheque out this list of the top ten best romance anime for a more detailed look at the genre.

Maid Sama!

Maid Sama!


Sci-fi (short for science fiction) is a genre that showcases scientific and technological elements in its story. Machines and various kinds of technologies are staples of this genre. Most of the time, its focus is on the advancement and development of science and engineering. That is why you'll often find sci-fi combined with subgenres such every bit mecha and infinite.

Here are some examples of sci-fi anime:

  • Evangelion
  • Space Dandy
  • Cowboy Bebop
  • Knights of Sidonia
  • Outlaw Star
Cowboy Bebop

Cowboy Bebop

Best Anime for Boys

The following is a list of anime recommendations with shows that are catered to a male person audition. Girls can easily savor these shows as well but the studios had a articulate target audition when making these. Wait a fair amount of action and shounen. This list can be helpful in getting you into anime or introducing the medium to someone else.

  • Hunter Ten Hunter
  • Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
  • Naruto
  • Attack on Titan
  • Dragon Ball Z
  • Bleach
  • Noragami
  • Blue Exorcist
  • Trigun
  • Berserk

Best Anime for Girls

Just like higher up, these are anime recommendations with shows catered to female audiences. Yous can wait to see the shoujo and romance genres also as strong female protagonists. Some may lack action-packed battles but boys can easily relish these shows besides.

  • Ouran Loftier School Host Club
  • Fruits Basket
  • Crewman Moon
  • Cardcaptor Sakura
  • Princess Tutu
  • Chihayafuru
  • Princess Jellyfish
  • Revolutionary Girl Utena
  • Nana
  • Kamisama Kiss

Anime Subgenres and Settings

These are the more than specific categories of anime. Some of these subgenres are unique as they can describe a type of narrative that is essentially exclusive to anime or at least more than prevalent in that medium. These subgenres cover a wide variety of themes and settings that can use to the wider spectrum of major genres. For example, in that location tin can be multiple anime with a schoolhouse setting that range from comedy to horror.


This blazon of anime is a subgenre of sci-fi. Information technology usually displays a time to come where society has go more ingrained with engineering at the expense of social order. The setting is typically a dystopian future where technology may be doing more than harm than good.

Examples of cyberpunk anime includes:

  • Ghost in the Shell
  • Serial Experiments Lain
  • Bubblegum Crunch
  • Ergo Proxy
  • Texhnolyze


The game category encompasses shows revolving around the idea of gaming and playing. The anime tin feature a carte game, board game, puzzle game, or even a virtual online game. As long every bit it concerns any playable game of any kind, information technology belongs in this category. Sometimes, even video game-based shows can count in this choice.

Yu-Gi-Oh! is arguably the progenitor of this subgenre. The serial began in 1996 as a manga and continues to be a major franchise today. Its influence can still exist seen today with a stream of imitators.

Examples of game anime include:

  • Yu-Gi-Oh!
  • Sword Fine art Online
  • Phi Encephalon: Puzzle of God
  • selector infected WIXOSS
  • Cardfight!! Vanguard
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V


The word ecchi comes from the audio of H in the give-and-take hentai, which in turn means debauchee in Japanese. This subgenre is generally accustomed every bit being total of sexually provocative scenes (balmy enough to be viewed by the full general audience) and scenarios derived from innuendoes and humorous situations. It's a fact that ecchi shows are taking an upswing nowadays equally more and more titles are produced every season. More ofttimes than non, ecchi is paired up with comedy as both genres compliment each other well. This in turn serves as a buffer that prevents the shows from crossing the line and delving into something less appropriate for general audiences.

Examples of ecchi anime includes:

  • Saekano
  • Shimoneta
  • High School DxD
  • To Dear-Ru
  • Keijo!!!!!!!!

Check out this listing of the top ten ecchi anime for further info almost the genre.

High School DxD

High School DxD


Originally just an infrequent theme, the rise of demonic characters and themes take given rise to this subgenre. The term demon does not only cover literal demon characters. Information technology too extends to other entities such as monsters, beasts, ghosts, and other demon-blazon figures. The demons nowadays tin can come from biblical backgrounds or come from Japanese culture. Believe it or not, this category doesn't just come manus-in-hand with the horror genre; it surprisingly blends well with other genres every bit well.

The earliest iconic entry in the subgenre is arguably Devilman, which debuted in 1972. Contempo entries such equally The Devil Is a Part-Timer prove that demon characters can work in comedies.

Examples of demon anime includes:

  • Hataraku Maou-Sama
  • Inuyasha
  • Chrono Crusade
  • Blue Exorcist
  • Blackness Butler
Blue Exorcist

Blue Exorcist


If you lot see a reluctant male character surrounded by multiple female characters who all admire him, and so you're probably watching an anime of the harem subgenre. This type of bear witness typically features more than than ii female characters go head-over-heels for a unmarried male character. Anime in this category is typically within the one-act and romance genre. It's possible that a harem anime tin can take no romance and feature mostly slapstick comedy.

Oh My Goddess and Tench Muyo! can be considered early examples of harem anime from the early 80s and 90s. The subgenre exploded in the 2000s from the success of Dear Hina. The infamous series School Days is often considered to exist a deconstruction of the harem genre every bit it shows how volatile it can exist to courtroom multiple girls at in one case.

Examples of harem anime includes:

  • Nisekoi
  • Maken-ki!
  • Sekirei
  • To Dear-Ru
  • High School DxD

For a more than detailed look, check out this list of the meridian 10 harem anime.

To Love-Ru

To Love-Ru


Josei is really a demographic only is besides considered a general category in anime. It specifically targets female viewers around the age range of xviii-40. These shows depict life and romance in a more mature lite, usually with more grounded realism and less idealistic fantasies. The subgenre is fairly wide and doesn't necessarily have to focus on romance. It merely needs a narrative that caters to the mature woman. Josei originated from manga during the 80s. Girls who grew up reading shoujo stories from previous decades wanted stories for adults.

Examples of josei anime includes:

  • Princess Jellyfish
  • Chihayafuru
  • Paradise Kiss
  • Natsuyuki Rendevous
  • Nodame Cantabile


Martial Arts

Martial arts play a big role in every anime that has fighting/battles in information technology. Whether information technology's hand-to-hand combat, swordplay, gun fighting, or armed combat, at that place'due south some kind of martial art chemical element that plays through them. Only did you know that in that location are shows that are primarily focused on martial arts itself and their battle techniques? There's a lot of them, and they mainly involve hand-to-hand combat and technician battles.

This subgenre is constantly popular and is usually in the action category. The about iconic entry in this category is Dragon Ball Z, which is responsible for introducing anime and manga to the mainstream consciousness in the Western world.

Examples of martial arts anime includes:

  • Hajime no Ippo
  • History'southward Strongest Disciple
  • Dragon Ball
  • Baki the Grappler
  • Katanagatari
Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple

Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple


A lot of people say that anime is just for kids, merely that's non really true. As a matter of fact, at that place are merely a few number of anime that are precisely catered towards children. These shows are independent within the kids subgenre. These shows are mild, low-cal, and insightful, which makes them perfect for children 12 and under.

These kinds of anime actually have a difficult time finding an audition in the West. This is due to the fact that international anime fans are typically older and have little interest in these. Doraemon is one of the biggest franchises in Japan only the series has never caught on in America.

Cultural differences in what is appropriate for children is as well a trouble in localization. Example Closed is ane of the biggest kids series in Japan. However, the mysteries in the show are near always murder cases and the show is not shy when it comes to showing them. When it aired in the United states on Cartoon Network, information technology was accounted too mature for the Toonami block and it was placed on the Developed Swim block. Withal, viewers felt information technology was also childish. The bear witness got low ratings and was eventually pulled from the network.

Examples of kids anime includes:

  • Pokémon
  • Machine Robo Rescue
  • Doraemon
  • Digimon
  • Chi's Sugariness Home
Sortie! Machine Robo Rescue

Sortie! Machine Robo Rescue


Equally the name suggests, historical anime revolves around events in history and moments of antiquity. Shows of this subgenre are typically fix in Aboriginal Japan and the feudal period. Other settings such equally the Centre Ages and medieval period of Europe exist just they're much more than rare in anime. As long as the time or setting (or even elements) are erstwhile and ancient, then the serial can be considered a historical anime.

Examples of historical anime includes:

  • Rurouni Kenshin
  • Fushigi Yugi
  • Junketsu no Maria
  • Samurai Champloo
  • The Rose of Versailles
Rurouni Kenshin

Rurouni Kenshin


Hentai literally translates to "pervert" in Japanese. This is the R-18 (mature) domain of the anime earth. This subgenre commonly depicts nudity and highly explicit content. Unlike ecchi, the focus hither is on explicit sexual content rather than on storyline and narrative progression. That is why the shows in this category are usually brief and lacking in substance.

Baka and Test

Baka and Examination


Isekai translates to "another world." This subgenre typically has a narrative where a protagonist somehow gets transported to a dissimilar world. The new world is more often than not in a fantasy setting, occasionally with traits pulled from JRPG games.

This category of anime exploded during the 2010s and arguably dominated the decade. A skillful portion of isekai anime is adapted not from manga but rather from calorie-free novels. The most pop serial in this subgenre may be Sword Art Online. While the world featured there was just virtual reality, it did characteristic a fantasy setting that would be mimicked in other anime.

The type of anime has become so prevalent that in that location is actually a backfire against it now. Story contests in Japan have actually banned isekai stories from being submitted just because of how saturated the market has become with it.

Examples of isekai anime includes:

  • Gate
  • Konosuba
  • Re:Zilch
  • Sword Art Online
  • Flip Flappers


Equally the name implies, this subgenre involves the armed services in one mode or another. War may also be a huge role of military anime. One affair to annotation about this category is that it is often coupled with the mecha and action genre.

Examples of military anime includes:

  • Fullmetal Panic
  • Code Geass
  • Kantai Collection
  • Saga of Tanya the Evil
  • GATE



Mecha stands for mechanical (as in mechanical units or robots). You'll never run across a mecha anime without a robot or mechanical adapt in it. That'south the most of import element of it. And while this subgenre is rising in fame as the days go by, it almost always uses a standard formula to acquit the plot. As a general tendency, mecha is often seen alongside the military, sci-fi, and action genre.

This may very well be the most iconic anime subgenre as there is a multitude of memorable shows in this category. The mecha can be considered to be i of Nihon's most popular exports. Some of the earlier iconic titles from the late 70s and 80s include Mobile Adapt Gundam, Mazinger Z, and Super Dimension Fortress Macross. Neon Genesis Evangelion is considered to be an iconic and dark deconstruction of the genre as information technology examined the psyche of immature pilots. Gurren Lagann was a massive hit that brought the genre back to its hot-blooded and idealistic roots. With a rabid fanbase that loves mecha designs, this genre is one that has been consistently popular over the years.

Examples of mecha anime includes:

  • Lagrange: The Flower of Rin-ne
  • Patlabor
  • Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet
  • Code Geass
  • Mobile Suit Gundam

For a more in-depth await as this subgenre, check out this listing of the acme 10 mecha anime.

Code Geass

Lawmaking Geass


Anime shows in the music subgenre aren't that popular nowadays, but they do exist and they are very timely. These shows typically focus on singing, dancing, or playing musical instruments. These ordinarily fit within the larger categories of comedy and drama.

Examples of music anime includes:

  • K-On!
  • Brook
  • Sound! Euphonium
  • Kids on the Gradient
  • Idolm@ster



A parody anime is one where countless numbers of other anime references are showcased throughout the plot. It might exist a pop running gag, a famous symbol, a graphic symbol reference, or whatever other attempt at bringing another evidence into its domain. One anime worthy to note is Gintama. They ofttimes employ like elements from other anime to showcase in their ain prove.

Information technology should exist noted that parodying another belongings in anime can exist problematic. Japan does not accept a parody exception in their copyright constabulary. As such, using a parody of copyrighted material may cause an anime studio to exist in legal trouble if they did not get permission from the holders of those rights.

A recent of case of this coming into play was with the anime Mr. Osomatsu. The get-go episode had multiple parodies of dissimilar pop anime shows. The episode was somewhen pulled from streaming services and was never released on any home media.

Examples of parody anime includes:

  • Gintama
  • Blood Lad
  • Senyuu
  • Schoolhouse Rumble
  • Excel Saga



The law subgenre emphasizes the life and struggles of police enforcement in their line of duty. Law-based characters take shown up in numerous shows and there are at present anime that could exist considered as constabulary procedurals. This genre isn't exclusive to police force officers; detectives, investigators, and enforcers of whatsoever blazon are included as well.

Examples of police anime includes:

  • You're Under Arrest
  • Psycho-Pass
  • Lupin the Third
  • Cute Bones: Sakurako'southward Investigation
  • Case Closed



Post-apocalyptic anime are basically shows that are fix in a world that is in a dystopian country. This could mean the world is destroyed and/or humans are nigh extinct. Post-apocalyptic settings were merely a theme in the past, but an influx of titles bearing this backdrop over the years have fabricated it go a subgenre on its ain. This type of anime has become more and more than popular by the day.

Examples of mail service-apocalyptic anime includes:

  • Sidonia no Kishi
  • Shin Sekai Yori
  • Attack on Titan
  • Sound of the Sky
  • Kabaneri of the Atomic number 26 Fortress
Attack on Titan

Attack on Titan

Opposite Harem

A reverse harem anime is typically a harem series where the gender roles are switched around. There is 1 female grapheme surrounded by multiple male characters who are all potential love interests. Similar the traditional harem genre, anime of this variety is commonly within the comedy and romance genre.

Some examples of contrary harem anime includes:

  • Pretear
  • Ouran High Schoolhouse Host Gild
  • Uta no Prince-sama
  • Fruits Basket
  • The Wallflower

Cheque out this list of the height 10 best reverse harem anime for a more detailed wait at the genre.

Ouran High School Host Club

Ouran High Schoolhouse Host Club


In that location are endless anime that use school every bit a setting. An anime tin can be considered a part of the school subgenre if a school is the primary setting and the anime deals more often than not with school and student life. This type of anime is commonly seen inside the comedy genre, though there are some entries in drama too.

Examples of school anime includes:

  • Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
  • Great Teacher Onizuka
  • Gokusen
  • Schoolhouse Rumble
  • Azumanga Daioh
Assassination Classroom

Assassination Classroom


Seinen is really a demographic but is also considered to be a category in anime. It's a subgenre that specifically targets male viewers around the age range of xviii-xl. The shows here are depicted in a more mature light and often include more than explicit content such as gore, sexual activity, and violence. More than cognitive narratives are present as well.

Examples of seinen anime includes:

  • Berserk
  • Monster
  • Ergo Proxy
  • Fate/Zero
  • Drifters



Shoujo refers to the demographic of immature girls. This subgenre specifically targets female viewers around the age range of 10-18. Virtually of the time, shoujo anime works hand-in-hand with the romance and comedy genre, specially with the former. The protagonist is traditionally female person and the narrative focuses on romance as well as personal growth. The globe in these shows are often very idealized.

I of the earliest examples of shoujo anime is Princess Knight from 1967. It has staples of the subgenre such as internal conflicts equally well as conflicts with others. The Rose of Versailles is another iconic entry that has influenced anime and future shoujo titles like Revolutionary Girl Utena.

Examples of shoujo anime includes:

  • Sailor Moon Crystal
  • Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
  • Ao Haru Ride
  • Revolutionary Girl Utena
  • Pretty Cure
Sailor Moon Crystal

Sailor Moon Crystal


Shoujo-ai literally translates to "girls love." The typically young female characters in shojou-ai anime show beloved and affection for each other. The romance is usually more than milder in comparison to the more explicit yuri genre. Shows in this category portray blooming feelings of love and romance rather than intimate relationships.

Examples of shoujo-ai anime includes:

  • Aoi Hana
  • Blueish Drop
  • Burst Angel
  • Maria Watches Over United states of america
  • Survival Game Club!
Sweet Blue Flowers

Sweet Bluish Flowers


Shounen refers to the demographic that this type of anime targets, which is male viewers effectually the age range of 10-18. These shows are usually a combination of activeness and adventure and are typically adapted from series manga series. As such, these anime tend to take lengthy runs. I Piece currently has over 800 episodes and is nonetheless running. These shows are typically the most popular with mainstream audiences. They have done very well when exported to foreign markets cheers to their relatively elementary plots and focus on action.

Examples of shounen anime includes:

  • Naruto
  • 1 Piece
  • Fairy Tail
  • Bleach
  • Dragon Ball Z
Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail


Shounen-ai literally translates to "boys dear." The male characters (typically younger boys) in these shows display tender affection for each other. The romance in shounen-ai is generally milder when compared to the more than explicit yaoi genre. There is commonly more focus on developing romance than bodily relationships.

Examples of shounen-ai anime includes:

  • Hybrid Kid
  • Gakuen Heaven
  • Yuri!!! on Ice
  • The Highschool Life of a Fudanshi
  • This Male child Caught a Merman
Hybrid Child

Hybrid Child


The setting of infinite has always been massively popular. With so much anime taking place there, information technology has get a subgenre in itself. Whatsoever anime prepare in the cosmos can be labeled in this category. Space anime is often within the larger mecha and sci-fi genre.

Examples of space anime includes:

  • Outlaw Star
  • Cowboy Bebop
  • Space Dandy
  • Bodacious Space Pirates
  • Imperial Prince
Knights of Sidonia

Knights of Sidonia


Pretty much cocky-explanatory, sports anime are shows that cover characters engaging in able-bodied competition. Popular choices in this category includes basketball game, tennis, baseball, and soccer. Other sports exists likewise (including those that yous wouldn't expect showing up in anime). As time goes on, more and more of these series are produced. Just similar existent sports, shows in this subgenre are action-packed!

Slam Dunk is arguably the offset mod sports anime that other series have emulated to this day. Most notably, it did away with the notion of the protagonist becoming an instant expert in their sport. As the main graphic symbol learns how to play basketball game, the audience also picks up on techniques.

The subgenre struggled to gain popularity with American anime fans. Big Windup was released to poor sales and many licensors refused to choice up any sports titles afterwards. Titles like Free! and Haikyu!! have revitalized interest in the subgenre in recent years.

Examples of sports anime includes:

  • Haikyuu!!
  • Ace of Diamond
  • Yowamushi Pedal
  • Kuroko's Basketball game
  • Costless!

Be sure to check out this list of the top 10 sports anime for recommendations.

Yowamushi Pedal

Yowamushi Pedal

Super Ability

Y'all know you lot're watching a super power anime if y'all're seeing an array of explosive super powers scrambling correct on the screen. If yous run across bursts of energy balls, decease-defying attacks, and opposing forces battling it out throughout the story, then that means you're probably witnessing a show in this subgenre. These shows generally fit in the action category.

Examples of super power anime includes:

  • Dragon Brawl
  • Akira
  • Toriko
  • My Hero Academia
  • Tiger & Bunny
Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z


Equally the proper name implies, the tragedy subgenre revolves around tragic events or phenomenon where the characters are deeply involved and affected. Tragedy comes in diverse varieties such equally disasters, accidents, misfortunes, and deaths. These shows are often very dramatic and can pull the heartstrings of audiences.

Examples of tragedy anime includes:

  • Tokyo Magnitude eight.0
  • Zetsuen no Storm
  • Technolyze
  • Clannad
  • Hell Girl
Tokyo Magnitude 8.0

Tokyo Magnitude 8.0


Equally vampires have become then popular throughout the world, it's no shock that they've also infested the world of anime. There are lots of titles now featuring vampires and they're not just exclusive to the horror category. They've also manifested themselves into other categories such every bit one-act, romance, and drama.

Examples of vampire anime includes:

  • Vampire Knight
  • Shiki
  • Nyanpire
  • Hellsing Ultimate
  • Vampire Princess Miyu
Vampire Knight

Vampire Knight


Yaoi is the much more than sexually explicit counterpart of shounen-ai. This subgenre covers male-to-male person relationships (typically older boys) in a more mature calorie-free. There is more emphasis on serious relationships and intimacy.

Examples of yaoi anime includes:

  • Junjou Romantica
  • Gravitation
  • Super Lovers
  • This Male child is a Professional Wizard
  • Love Stage
Junjou Romantica

Junjou Romantica


Yuri is essentially the more mature and explicit version of shojou-ai. The female person characters are typically older and the series examines their more mature relationships.

Examples of yuri anime includes:

  • Yuri Kuma Arashi
  • Sakura Fox
  • Strawberry Panic
  • Kannazuki no Miko
  • Simoun
Sakura Trick

Sakura Trick

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author'due south knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

Questions & Answers

Question: What anime genre does "Fairy Tail" fall into?

Answer: It's part of the shounen, action, magic, and comedy genres.

Question: Does 1 Dial Homo belong in the fighting anime genre?

Answer: It certain does belong in the "action" genre.

Question: In what category does Citrus vest?

Reply: Citrus belongs in the drama, romance, school, and shoujo ai genres.

Question: What category does Deadman Wonderland fall into?

Reply: It is the same as Tokyo Ghoul--horror, action, and psychological.

Question: Does Attack of Titan belong to supernatural or horror genre?

Answer: I'd say both.

Question: What category does " The Irregular at Magic Highschool" autumn under?

Answer: It falls under the magic, school, supernatural, and action genres.

Question: Do Naruto and Naruto Shippuden fall into the superpower and magic genres?

Answer: If y'all consider the overpowered ninja techniques showcased throughout the show (especially towards the end), and then yes, this anime can be classified as a superpower anime. I take reservations when information technology comes to classifying information technology every bit part of the magic genre, but if you consider ninjutsu and genjutsu as magic, and then in that location's your reply.

Question: What category does Tokyo Ghoul fall into?

Answer: Believe it or not, it's a member of the horror genre. It also falls under the activity, supernatural, and psychological genres.

© 2015 Cheeky Kid

Andrew on June 24, 2020:

I'm mildly disappointed there is no mention of JoJo's Bizarre Run a risk but alas hither we are

Smoky on April 27, 2020:

Demon slayer deserves a identify here

Focus on the annotate on April 26, 2020:

My favourite genres are schoolhouse, comedy, and romance which makes my favourite animes Toradora, my hero academia and golden time

marie kho on March 21, 2020:

this is a proficient explination

VaiBrazilian on Feb 06, 2020:

I'm going to try to watch most of these

Crystalclear29 on January 01, 2020:

this is and then detained thanks :D

Gena on December 30, 2019:

What would y'all lookout more? Yaoi or Yuri

Doomsday on September 04, 2019:

You should take stated bungo straydogs in genre and bloodblockadebattlefield too.

Shaji on July twenty, 2019:

Pretty sad that most of the anime that I watch are 'for boys' when ik loads of girls who watch bleach, Naruto, one piece, dragon Brawl z etc. I mean I'm a daughter and I've just watched 1 of the anime in the 'girl list' dk why ppl recall all girls love makeup and pink when nosotros love a expert gore sometimes as well. And boys don't nessacerily have to like fightin either. But sayin it'southward stereotypical.

sooya on June 23, 2019:

kinda difficult when you've already watched every single anime on every genre listed above(/TДT)/ give me something to watch y'all. help this girl out ╥﹏╥

Byakugan on March nineteen, 2019:

Kinda sad that the near pop sub genres are specifically aimed at a gender when women and men both love shounen for case anyways that's just my opinion

Lovenia.A on Dec 24, 2018:

Your inclusion of Gokusen really sparked my day and your article was and so neatly and diligently written. Cheers for your difficult work and well-did enquiry.

Amelia IC Rez on December 11, 2018:

I was trying to find whatever anime genre of writing. About author and everything

Lelouch on Oct 19, 2018:

Code Geass S3 HYPE

Hawt potato on August 06, 2018:

I saw this dude in my big sisters form and all i could retrieve was that he belongened in a shoujo anime, but i couldnt remember if shoujo was the correct proper name.

Chicken Hippo on July 06, 2018:

Thank you for including Outlaw Star soo much! I love information technology when it gets deserved attention

Sweer Potato on June 05, 2018:

Um, I don't believe I encounter Jojo's Bizarre Gamble anywhere on this folio, hmmm?

Alex on May 24, 2018:

Equally one of the few anime watchers in our school i had to do paper about anime when we were talking about Japan And this was REALY helpfull

r34typeguy on May 22, 2018:

very informative!

dayana on May 12, 2018:

it is super help full now i tin can find animes faster and understand them and detect good ones ;) x)

Char on May 10, 2018:

Very informative.. thanks!

mamiza on Apr 12, 2018:

wow what a list, it really helps.

is at that place a non-harem genre? on March 13, 2018:

is in that location a not-harem genre?

LibraryTech on February 22, 2018:

Thanks so much for this guide. As the one who orders Anime for our patrons, information technology'southward helpful to empathize what categories/ genres are bachelor and what defines them.

Uchiha on Feb 18, 2018:

It'southward a actually really helpful site

Statix5000 on January 31, 2018:

This is a very interesting site and it helps a lot....thank you!!!

Derp on January 31, 2018:

There are more, like slapstick, Post-Apocalyptic, bishousen, mahou shoujo,

AkihiraBaka on January xx, 2018:

It's a close call, just my favorite genre has to be Supernatural. A lot of my favorite anime are related to it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

someguy on October xvi, 2017:

cheers to this list i at present have a keen schoolhouse project course and i learned some new genres

Aisha on October 05, 2017:

I recollect Monster would fit improve in the Mystery or even Psychological category, I don't think it's specifyilly targeted to but Seinen. Bang-up job on the listing, it's really helpful!

Vinsmoke Sanji on September 20, 2017:

Hmm..wonder why DAYS was not included in tiptop sports anime

yuukiasuna on July 26, 2017:

Good........information technology really helped me...!!:)

Cheeky Kid (author) from Milky Way on April 30, 2017:

@rodrimontevideo Wow! Thanks for the input. I feel that the titles you mentioned are on a whole new different genre/dimension. "Classics" would be the nearest term I judge, or something fifty-fifty better. They're not bounded past genres. These shows are of a detail age or folio in the history of anime. I don't know the name of the genre though. Thanks for this slice of invaluable trivia!

rodrimontevideo on April 30, 2017:

This list is quite skillful and complete but lacks one of the most of import generes of Anime from the 1970s to 1990s.

Children and teenage DRAMA.

While some of the core elements of the genere were born in the 1960s with serial like ''Search Of The Ninja Legend of Kamui'' and ''Princess Knight'', information technology didn't become a full genere until 1969 and it didn't go a recurring trend until the 1970s and from then on information technology was everywhere.

It was popularized in a 1969 Anime block past Mushi Product and later Nippon Animation chosen - Globe Masterpiece Theater - which consisted on retelling diverse stories from classic international authors of teenage/children novels.

To name but a few:

''Heidi the Daughter Of the Alps''.

''Canis familiaris of Flanders''.

''3000 Leagues in Search of Mother ''.

''The Story of Perrine''.

''Anne of the Greenish Gables''.

''The Adventures of the Petty Prince''.

''Nobody's Male child: Remi''.

''Belle And Sebastian''.

''Hullo! Sandybell''.

''Lady Georgie''.

''The Story of Pollyanna: Girl of Beloved''.

''The Tales of Picayune Women''.

''Trapp Family Story''.

and there's even a drama series well-nigh The Picayune House on The Prairie called:

''Laura, the Prairie Girl''.

One could also even include Anime milestone ''Milky way Express 999'' into this genere.

And i might besides call up that this trend died out or is completely irrelevant today but that couldn't be further from the truth.

There was a very important Anime series from 1978 called ''Time to come Boy Conan'' past Anime master Hayao Miyazaki which mixes this trend of youngling drama with fantasy and adventure, which he later expands in ''Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind'', and this influences most if not all of his future works with Studio Ghibli.

The importance of Studio Ghibli in western culture, particularly since the 1990's is unparalleled and unquestionable. It'due south basically the almost widely known and important Japanese studio in the world and its characteristic films are usually the almost cherished and finest examples of Japanese blitheness for countless westerners.

I came into this page wanting to find the propper Japanese proper name for the genere but seeing how it wasn't even listed every bit DRAMA I decided to sign in and leave a piddling slice of trivia of my ain here.

PS: If anyone knows the Japanese name of this genere I would appreciate a response to this comment. Whatever questions I tin adress here also.

Ced Yong from Asia on Apr 05, 2017:

Very detailed and informative. The Gintama motion picture also so perfectly summarises the comedy genre.

Cheeky Kid (author) from Milky Way on March 21, 2017:

Game genre. Shounen also fits the clarification about of the fourth dimension.

artist of the animes on March 10, 2017:

yeah actually, this was super helpful, i've been on kissanime tryin to find anime i might like and now i know the names of the genres

Zeron87 on January 10, 2017:

Finally! Someone made an commodity like this! Kudos human being. Horror is my favorite genre of anime, now and forever, and not because I similar seeing people ripped apart: It'south usually a blend of mystery and thriller that keeps me on the edge of my seat. Psychological is definitely my 2d fave, which leads me to something that bugs me here...

The definition of the Psychological genre. Ordinarily, fifty-fifty sites like Myanimelist, love to place any show that has the characters using strategy against one some other equally psychological, but from my understanding, the difference betwixt anime with some smart characters and one requiring a deeper level of thought is what the characters are symbols, pregnant some characters represent concepts and accept double-meanings in the story, instead of just beingness people. Mira Nikki and Deathnote require SOME thought, and are awesome, only they don't go deep enough. Some real psychological anime? Perfect Blue, Ergo Proxy, Serial Experiments Lain, and Paranoia Agent. Heck, for a lighter dose, I'll throw Big O up there. Take some of THESE prescriptions, so call me back in the morning.

Alessa Cypher on Jan 01, 2017:

Uh... What about seitenkan genre. I know is small in quantity, but take some corking stories, just every bit Hourou Musuko.

Icankbelandean from Indonesia on Nov 05, 2016:

Vampire my favorite and the best of anime.

Cheeky Kid (author) from Milky way on Oct 12, 2016:

@HenryWong I guess Digimon falls in the Shounen, Hazard, and Kids genre.

HenryWong122 on October 12, 2016:

What I want to know is what Genre does Digimon fall into?

Kyan on June 24, 2016:

Thanks for making this guide, information technology really helped me :)

Naomi Starlight from Illinois on April xix, 2016:

The reason the "demon genre" does non usually describe demons every bit evil is that they're not demons in the Christian sense, but there are words that mean something closer to "monster" or "spirit being" or "Shinto god" often translated incorrectly in dubs as "demons", which implies evil in the Due west. I don't like that term beingness used in dubs for youkai because information technology makes anime look anti-Christian to Christian parents.


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